Typography - Final Compilation and Reflection

29.03.2022 - 28.06.2022 / Week 1 - Week 14
Tow Wan Tian / 0343765
Typography / Bachelor of Education / School of Education
Final Compilation and Reflection


Task 1: Exercises - Type Expressions and Text Formatting
Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication
Task 3AType Design and Communication (Font Design)
Task 3B: Type Design and Communication (Sticker Lettering)


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expressions

29.03.2022 - 12.04.2022 / Week 1 - Week 3

Figure 1. Final submission for Task 1 - Type Expressions (JPEG). Week 3 (12/4/2022).

Figure 1.1 Final submission for Task 1 - Type Expressions (PDF). Week 3 (12/4/2022).

Figure 1.2 Final submission for Task 1 - Type Expressions (GIF). Week 3 (12/4/2022).

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting

12.04.2022 - 26.04.2022 / Week 3 - Week 5

Figure 1.3 A screen capture of the final outcome for Text Formatting with the guides, baseline grid and hidden characters (JPEG). Week 5 (26/4/2022). 

Figure 1.4 The final outcome for Text Formatting with the guides and baseline grid (PDF). Week 5 (26/4/2022).

Figure 1.5 Final submission for Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting (JPEG). Week 5 (26/4/2022).

Figure 1.6 Final submission for Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting (PDF). Week 5 (26/4/2022).

Font: Adobe Caslon Pro
Typeface: Adobe Caslon Pro Regular (body text and subtext), Adobe Caslon Pro Bold (heading)
Type Size: 9 pt (body text), 32 pt and 22 pt (heading), 12 pt (subtext)
Leading: 12 pt (body text), 24 pt (heading and subtext)
Paragraph spacing: 12 pt (body text), 24 pt (heading and subtext
Average characters per line: 52 characters
Alignment: left justified
Margins: 36 px (top and bottom), 80 px (left and right)
Columns: 4
Gutter (for columns): 4.5 mm

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication

03.05.2022 - 10.05.2022 / Week 6 - Week 7

Figure 1.7 Screen capture of the final outcome of Task 2 - Typographic Exploration and Communication with the guides, the baseline grid and hidden characters (JPEG). Week 7 (10/5/2022)

Figure 1.8 Screen capture of the final outcome of Task 2 - Typographic Exploration and Communication with the guides, the baseline grid and hidden characters (PDF). Week 7 (10/5/2022)

Figure 1.9 Final submission for Task 2 - Typographic Exploration and Communication (JPEG). Week 7 (10/5/2022)

Figure 2. Final submission for Task 2 - Typographic Exploration and Communication (PDF). Week 7 (10/5/2022)

Font: Univers LT Std
Typeface: Ultra Condensed (impact), Roman (the, of, Bauhaus, on modern culture) 

Lead-in Text
Font: Univers LT Std
Typeface: Roman
Font size: 41.84 pt 
Leading: 50.2 pt (auto)
Paragraph Spacing: 50.2 pt (auto)
Average characters per line: - 
Alignment: Right Alignment
Margins: -
Columns: -
Gutter (for columns): -

Body Text
Font: Futura Std
Typeface: Book
Font size: 9 pt 
Leading: 11 pt
Paragraph Spacing: 11 pt
Average characters per line: 56 characters
Alignment: Left Justified
Margins: 12.7 mm (top and bottom), 11 mm (left and right)
Columns: 4
Gutter (for columns): 5 mm

Task 3A: Type Design and Communication

17.05.2022 - 24.05.2022 / Week 8 - Week 9

Figure 2.1 Initial sketches for Task 3A: Type Design and Communication (JPEG). Week 8 (20/5/2022).

Figure 2.2 Final sketches for Task 3A: Type Design and Communication (JPEG). Week 9 (24/5/2022).

Figure 2.3 Final outcome 'Parentemi' for Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (JPEG). Week 10 (31/2/2022).

Figure 2.4 Final outcome 'Parentemi' typeface poster for Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (JPEG). Week 10 (31/2/2022).

Figure 2.5 Final outcome 'Parentemi' for Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (PDF). Week 10 (31/2/2022).

Figure 2.6 Final outcome 'Parentemi' typeface poster for Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (JPEG). Week 10 (31/2/2022).

Task 3B: Type Design and Communication

07.06.2022 - 21.06.2022 / Week 11 - Week 13

Figure 2.7 Final outcome for Task 3B - Type Design and Communication Black & White version (PNG). Week 13 (21/6/2022).

Figure 2.8 Final outcome for Task 3B - Type Design and Communication Coloured version (PNG). Week 13 (21/6/2022).

Figure 2.9 Final outcome for Task 3B - Type Design and Communication (PDF). Week 13 (21/6/2022).

Figure 3. Screen capture of the sticker sent in Telegram. Week 13 (21/6/2022).

Sticker made with Telegram Stickers Bot.


Overall, I had a great experience learning typography. Before taking this module, I have already had some interest in typography but never got to the point of truly studying it as a subject. Therefore, I have been anticipating the module ever since the day I decided to take Creative Media Design as my minor. Each task seemed easy and straightforward at first and I thought it can be a relatively smooth experience. However, the truth was the process was actually really time-consuming and it required a high level of attention to the details. I faced my struggles and challenges but it did not beat the genuine excitement and enjoyment I had in completing the tasks. My interest in typography had become the motivation that spurred me in giving my best effort to produce quality work. Whenever the final outcomes had turned out to surpass my expectations, I get a sense of achievement and it made me feel that my effort was worthy of my own recognition.             

Throughout the weeks of studying typography, I observed myself to have picked up the habit of observing how typography is used in our daily lives. I would observe the typeface and text formatting in brand logos, product packaging and different types of media, and then attempt to apply my typography knowledge to 'evaluate' the typographic decisions made on said objects. Furthermore, I could tell that my sensibility towards type and text formatting has improved a lot. Judging from the final outcomes and my experiences, I could tell that I do better in terms of type expression and text formatting in comparison with designing a typeface.   

My perception and understanding of typography have greatly shifted. I used to think that typography is about designing aesthetic fonts and typefaces and arranging words and text neatly. Now I learned that typography is more than just that. The study of type is complicated and more in-depth as it has its own significant history and a set of rules to follow. Lately, I realised that the general viewers are accustomed to reading common and conventional-looking typefaces, whereas unconventional ones can be difficult to read and understand. While it may be fun for the designer to create unconventional-looking typefaces, there is a risk that it may affect the legibility and readability of the letterform. What's the point of designing visually attractive/striking typefaces that is illegible? I believe the key is to be creative within the bourne of existing good rules of thumb. Initially, I thought that designing a typeface was about creativity, experimentation and the freedom to express oneself. While that statement remains some level of truth, now I believe that creativity and experimentation should be well-grounded by principles and rules in order to hold its structure. Creativity without discipline leads to distraction and chaos. Be creative and respect the rules.   
