Information Design - Final Project
Week 1 - Week 7 / 04.01.2022 - 19.02.2022
Tow Wan Tian / 0343765W1 / Final Project Briefing
Assignment Brief
In our first lecture, Ms Anis and Mr Martin briefed us about the Final Project. For this project, we would need to team up with about 6 students and create an animated infographic as the final outcome. The topic of the project was Sex Education 101, meaning the content was about human reproductive systems, pregnancy and how to take good care of them. It is a rather sensitive topic and we should be mindful of the visual presentation. The target audience is the general public but Mr Martin added that young girls are more likely to view the video. The narration and the script for the video were prepared beforehand and given to each group to lessen our workload. The script was split into two parts, Part 1 "Your Body" and Part 2 "Family Planning". Each group would only need to work on one part of the video.
Sensitive and Challenging Visuals
The members of our group are Tay, Jodiann, Shofwa, Adlina, Reagan and I. After a quick read-through of the scripts, we decided to do Part 1 "Your Body" as it appeared to be more interesting. For this week's task, Mr Martin advised us to read through the script again, make a list of the sensitive visuals and brainstorm how we should visualise them.
The sensitive visuals that we mentioned in our group discussion were listed below:
- Sex
- Penis
- Ejaculation - wet dreams
- Pubic hair growth
- Excretion, defecation
- Menstruation - bleeding
Then, we moved on to brainstorm how we should translate the sensitive
contents into visuals. We divided the 17 subtopics from the script into six
parts and delegated each part to each member. Each member would need to
write down their rough ideas on how to visualise the sensitive content. I
chose to work on Frame 11 to 13. After some time, the group met up again to
discuss and polish the ideas. The ideas are compiled into this document.
We also talked about the art style, transition styles, fonts and colour scheme of our animated infographic.
W2 / Script Breakdown
For this week's task, each group had to break down the script into scenes and show it to Mr Marting during the next session. In the script breakdown, we also noted down the running time and the general visuals of each scene.
Script Breakdown
Mr Martin: Some scenes are 3 - 5 seconds which are too short to be animated. Try to combine them together. Dividing into so many scenes will give you a hard time illustrating and animating. Maintaining the running time for about 10 seconds is good.
W3 / Mood board and Storyboard
Roles and Responsibilities
At this stage of the project, we divided the members into two teams, one illustration team and one animation team. The illustration team was responsible for illustrating the main assets of the animated infographics and arranging them into scenes. The animation was responsible for animating the assets in After Effects and adding sound effects. Since the animators would only kick start their work later in the working timeline, they would also need to facilitate the illustrators in creating the assets when needed. I believe this helps to even out the workload and allows the animators to get familiar with the scenes. The illustrators were Shofwa, Jodiann and Reagan, whereas the animators were Adlina, Tay and I. I have yet to learn digital illustration and there was not much time for me to learn from the beginning. I had some experience in animating objects in After Effects, so I opted for the animator role instead.
Mood board
Mr Martin asked us to compile our ideas into a mood board with the template given. Luckily, we already compiled some ideas of the art styles, transition styles, fonts and colour schemes in a Google Slide, so we just had to migrate the content into the template. The illustration team were also responsible for adding more ideas for the art style, visual reference, typeface and colour schemes, while the animation team added on to the transition styles and animation reference. Below shows our mood board.
W4 / Animatics
After finalising the storyboard, Mr Martin instructed us to create an animatic based on the storyboard. The purpose of an animatic is to know the timing for a piece of moving image. It also helps us to visualise what the final video may look like. To create an animatic, we need to align the sketches from the storyboard in order and sync them with the voice-over (narration).
Each member worked on the animatics of their own sketches and Tay volunteered to compile the short clips into one complete animatic.
For this task, I used Adobe Premiere Pro to align the images and the audio clip.
Below shows the completed animatic:
Ms Anis: The animatic is nicely done. Kids will find it easy to understand and it is easy for parents to explain.
Mr Martin: Suggested using one visual for similar narratives. For example, we can use the same scene whenever the narrative of sex is mentioned.
W5 / Assets
This week, we had meetings to list out the assets for illustration. We realised that there were some assets that would re-appear in different scenes, so we agreed to illustrate the repetitive assets first and share them with each other. This reduced the workload of illustrating the same visuals and helped to maintain a consistent art style.
Here is a list of the assets:
- Baby
- Young boy
- Young girl
- Teen boy
- Teen girl
- Woman
- Pregnant woman
- Doctor
- Male silhouette
- Female silhouette
- Male reproductive system
- Female reproductive system
- Lungs
- Stomach
- Bladder
- Large intestine
- Small intestine
- Egg cell
- Sperm cell
- Red blood cell
- Banana with fluid
- Boy sleeping on a raining cloud
- Girl with menstrual pad umbrella
- Fetus
- Droplet of pee
- Bread
- Poo
- Backgrounds
- Period cycle - donut chart
- Period cycle - game board
- Suggested using zoom in and zoom out as a transition for one of the scenes.
- Egg and sperm scene - ensure the visual balance of the composition.
- Pregnant lady scene - reduce the text.
- Rearrange certain scenes to better fit the narrative.
W6 / Illustrating and Animating
Working Timeline
Since we were only left with two weeks to complete the animated infographic, we decided to illustrate and animate the frames simultaneously. The scenes were divided into two parts (refer to the script breakdown spreadsheet for more details). We would work on Part 1 this week and Part 2 for the following week. Of course, if we complete Part 1 in time, we could immediately work on Part 2 to not waste any time. The deadline for completing each part was each Sunday. The illustrators and animators were paired up to complete their parts of the animated infographic. Not to mention that Tay stepped up to stitch the video clips together to form the final video.
Here are the pairings and their respective tasks:- Shofwa - Illustration (1 - 2D, 16A - 16C) & Tay - Animation (1 - 2D, 16A - 16C)
- Jodiann - Illustration (2E - 4, 11A - 11D) & Me - Animation (2E - 4, 11A - 11D)
- Reagan - Illustration (5 - 10, 12 - 13B) & Adlina - Animation (5 - 10, 12 - 13B)
Work in Progress
The illustration team did a great job of preparing the frames. I love the attention to detail, especially the human organs which were quite hard to draw. I helped to create a scene that depicts a male and a female having sex (Figure 2.). Though the scene would only appear in Part 2, it is always better to get things done earlier.
As for the animation team, we applied a lot of bounce effects to make the objects appear. We also used a cool liquid transition in between scenes that have different backgrounds. Applying sound effects adds flair to the animation.
The video is the animation I did for Part 1:
We also received feedback from Mr Martin and make the necessary amendments.
So far, I was really impressed by the quality of work put out by each member. By maintaining the quality and dynamic, I believe that we have the potential to create a great animated infographic.
W7 / Final Outcome
We continued the task and the last viewing with Mr Marting on Thursday. Again, we consider Mr Martin's feedback and improve on our video.
- Add more sound effects.
- Young girl changing to teen girl scene - try using the morphing effect. (Mr Martin provided us with a YouTube tutorial)
- Show full male anatomy.
- Period cycle (game board) - use easy ease.
- Apply motion blur to all scenes.
After a few tweaks here and there, we finalised the animated infographic and uploaded it onto YouTube.
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